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Kids in a classroom learning about boat building




The NSBA offers career presentations to youth and other audiences. These presentations are typically 30-45 minutes but may be customized as needed for different audiences and event requirements. The content includes information about types of jobs and working conditions, locations, career pathways, training opportunities, and more. 


For younger audiences, the NSBA has fun, hands-on workshops in which children and youth are challenged to create toy-sized self-propelled boats. These workshops also include career information. 

Career fairs

The NSBA is happy to participate in career fairs, job fairs, and other events where we can share information about opportunities in our industry. Please let us know if you have upcoming events!


If you have other events or activities to share career information with current or future job-seekers, please contact us. We are always interested in new connections. 


Nova Scotia has pathways for youth ages 16-19 to get started on an apprenticeship while completing high school and getting paid for on-the-job learning - all at the same time! Learn more about youth apprenticeship on the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency’s website

Two boat builder students wearing safety goggles, gloves and tyvek suits using mallets to separate a fibreglass nutshell pram hull from a mould
Kids at a job fair learning about boats from an NSBA staff member with a model lobster boat on the table


The NSBA is happy to support students in Nova Scotia’s Options and Opportunities programs. We can do this through sharing career information, connecting youth with potential employers for youth apprenticeship, and more. Contact us to learn more. 

Fishing: North Atlantic VIDEO GAME

In 2020, Misc Games, an independent video game company in Norway, launched Fishing: North Atlantic. This fishing simulation game was developed with industry partners, including NSBA member A.F. Theriault & Son Ltd., to ensure boats and conditions are realistic for players. It’s a fun way to learn more about commercial fishing and how boats from Nova Scotia’s boatbuilding industry help to support other important sectors!


If you are involved with a school or other education institution, a community organization (Scouts or Girl Guides, YMCA/YWCA, ISANS, Boys & Girls Clubs, boating club, etc) or any other group where participants are interested in career information, we’d be happy to offer a presentation about career opportunities in our sector. We also have fun, hands-on workshops designed for younger audiences. Complete the form below to request a presentation or workshop or email

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