Industry Awards
The NSBA recognizes the accomplishments of members in various ways, including annual Boatbuilder Awards and a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Annual Boatbuilder Awards
Innovation Award
For innovation in tooling, engineering, constructions processes & materials
Export Achievement Award
For successfully developing and pursuing new export sales
Company Development & Growth Award
For significant investment in training, quality systems and facilities
Workplace Safety Award
For significant investment in creating a healthier and safer workplace
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Nova Scotia Boatbuilders Association presents this prestigious award to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the boatbuilding industry in Nova Scotia over their working lifetime.
Examples of “significant contribution”:
Ran a successful boatbuilding business for more than 35 years
Ran a successful boatbuilding business that consistently employed more than 5 people
Introduced new boat designs into their boatbuilding business
Regularly built boats for export
Earned a reputation within the Maritimes for being a quality boatbuilder
Valued training of their workforce
Enhanced the reputation of boatbuilding in Nova Scotia
Earned recognition as a good boatbuilder outside of Atlantic Canada

Nominations are currently open for all award categories. The award criteria should be met in the calendar year prior to the awards ceremony, ex. 2024 calendar year for 2025 awards.
If you would like to nominate your company or another company, please email with the following information:
Boatbuilder Awards:
Name of company being nominated
Award for which you are nominating them
How they meet the criteria
Lifetime Achievement Awards:
Name of the person being nominated
How they meet the criteria
The current deadline for all nominations is April 30, 2025.