2024 Annual Industry Day
We invite you to join us for NSBA's Annual Industry Day, including our Annual General Meeting, Conference, and Reception and Industry Awards. This exciting event that is being held on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at the Halifax Tower Hotel located on Lakelands Blvd in Bayers Lake, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. All activities are in or near the Lakelands Hall.
The 2024 Conference theme is Succeeding in Tough Times. We recognize the impact of inflation, high interest rates, workforce challenges, and global turmoil. NSBA is offering three seminars to help companies do more with less and potentially access government supports for growth and innovation.
We have a full day planned! Read more below.
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2024 Sponsors
Contact Chantel at admin@nsboats.com / 902-423-2378 for information about sponsorship opportunities and benefits.
Sponsorship Opportunites
Level 1 Sponsor: $750 includes Exhibit table, two conference + reception registrations, logo on conference promotional items and on signage at the conference, and individual sponsor recognition on social media.
Level 2 Sponsor: $500 includes Exhibit table, one conference + reception registration, company name in conference promotional items and on signage at the conference and a group mention on social media
Level 3 Sponsor: $250 includes company name on conference promotional items and a group mention on social media
NSBA would like to thank the following sponsors!
Level 1 Sponsors:
Level 2 Sponsors:
NS Fisheries & Aquaculture Loan Board
RKO Steel
Level 3 Sponsors:
Composites One

AGM & Strategic Discussion
8:30 - 9:30 Registration and hot breakfast
9:30 -10:45 Annual General Meeting
10:45 - 11:00 Break and view exhibits
11:00 - 12:15 Strategic discussion of NSBA priorities (Members only)
12:15 - 12:55 Lunch / networking / view exhibits
The Annual General Meeting will include a review of 2023-24 activities and finances, a look at what's happening in 2024-25, and the election of the new Board of Directors. If you would like to know more about serving on the Board or want to put your name forward, please email Chantel at admin@nsboats.com
During the strategic discussion, the NSBA will facilitate a conversation with members about issues and trends our members are experiencing and what members feel the NSBA's priorities should be in the next few years. This will help the NSBA develop our next 3-year strategic plan.
Lunch will be served at 12:15. Conference delegates and exhibitors are welcome to join us for lunch before the conference.
Half Day Conference
12:55 - 13:00 Welcome: Jan Fullerton, NSBA Executive Director
13:00 - 13:45 Lean Manufacturing in Smaller Shops: Mitch Raymond, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
13:45 - 14:15 Break / networking / view exhibits
14:15 - 15:00 The Business Case for Resin Infusion: Yves Gosselin, Composites One
15:00 - 15:30 Break / networking / view exhibits
15:30 - 16:30 Funding Supports for Innovation and Growth (Panel discussion): Valerie Caswell, Invest Nova Scotia; Liam Connors, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; and Devin MacCallum, Fisheries & Aquaculture Loan Board
16:30 - 16:35 Closing Address: Gilles Theriault, NSBA Chair
16:35 - 17:00 Break before reception and awards
Speaker Bios
Click here for more information about this year's speakers.
Exhibitor Opportunities
There are networking opportunities throughout the conference, offering exhibitors a great opportunity to highlight their products or services. Exhibit space includes one conference registration, a 6' skirted table, and your company name in select conference promotional materials. The cost to exhibit is $150 for Members and $250 for non-Members.
Please email Chantel (admin@nsboats.com) if you are interested in exhibiting.
NSBA would like to welcome the following exhibitors:
DSS Protection
Maritime Marine Supply
NS Fisheries & Aquaculture Loan Board
NS Labour, Skills and Immigration Safety Board
RKO Steel
Sansom Equipment
Reception & Industry Awards
17:00 - 19:00 Reception & Industry Awards
Join us for some relaxed networking time while celebrating key accomplishments of our members in 2023. There will be finger foods and a cash bar throughout the evening.
Award Categories include:
Lifetime Achievement Award - to recognize individuals who have made a significant contribution to the boatbuilding industry over their working lifetime (may not be awarded every year). Visit our Industry Awards page for examples of "significant contribution".
Innovation Award - for showing innovation in tooling, engineering, construction processes and materials
Export Achievement Award - for successfully developing and pursuing new export sales
Company Development & Growth Award - for significant investment in training, quality systems and facilities
Workplace Safety Award - for significant investment in creating a healthier and safer workplace
Award nominations are open until April 30, 2024. Visit our Industry Awards page for more information about the criteria and nomination process.
AGM: No cost to attend.
NSBA Strategic Discussion (Members only): No cost to attend.
Conference + Evening Reception: NSBA Members - $50, Non-Members - $125.
Evening Reception Only: $25.
All prices include taxes.
To register:
Register online (payment will be managed separately) or register by contacting Chantel at admin@nsboats.com.